Man's Fall - Man's Redemption: Man is a created being, made in God's likeness. Through Adam, sin entered into the world and because of sin,every man is cut off from God; but God had a plan. Through the shed blood of Christ Jesus, the Son of God, man's sins are totally paid. Now all men can receive God's very own life. Through His grace, salvation is a free gift
received by faith.  Romans 3:23 - Romans 5:19 - John 3:36 - Eph. 2:8

The New Birth: For man to come to God, he must first repent
(Godly sorrow worketh repentence), and receive Jesus Christ as their personal
savior.  John 1:12

Water Baptism: Water baptism by immersion is a direct
command of Jesus Christ our Lord, and is to be enacted after one receives Jesus
as their Savior. This divine ordinance identifies one with Christ's death,
burial and resurrection.  Romans 6:4

Baptism in the Holy Ghost:  This promise is for every
believer, as spoken by Jesus Christ, and is for the empowerment of the believer
to be a witness of Christ to the world.  It is evidenced by the initial
physical sign of speaking in "unlearned languages" as the Spirit
gives the ability.  Acts 1:8

Divine Healing:  Healing is the right and privilege of every believer in Christ, bought and paid for at Calvary, to provide supernatural healing of all human sickness, disease and pain.  Isaiah 53:4-5

Resurrection of the dead and the return of Jesus Christ: Jesus Christ is going to return to earth. His coming is near at hand. When He comes "the dead in Christ shall rise first," and those that are alive in Christ on earth will be "caught up together with them in the clouds" to meet the Lord. All believers will receive a resurrected, glorified body at te time of His return. 1 Thessalonians 4:16  - 1 Corinthians 15: 53-54

Eternal Judgement:  Those who die in Christ will escape the judgement of God's wrath, but to the one who dies without Christ they will be eternally lost. They will ultimately be thrown into the Lake of Fire, and have no further opportunity of hearing the Gospel and repenting.  Hebrews 9:27

Perfecting Holiness: God's Word teaches the believer to advance steadily into spiritual maturity...a process that continues until Christ returns and we become finally "as He is."    1 John 3:2